Tag Archives: democrats

The Simple Solution to the Illegal Immigration Problem

The illegal immigration problem has been a prime issue the conservatives rail against. The conservative movement has used this issue to ignite a wave of hate against the hispanic community and instill fear in the america public. They are proponents of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build higher and longer walls and increase the number of agents on the US-Mexico border. The conservatives are also proponents of maintaining the status quo when it comes to the companies and corporations that hire these illegal immigrants.
The penalty for hiring illegal immigrants is minor compared to the harsh treatment of an immigrant often ripped from his family and jailed awaiting a hearing and deportation. Deporting the estimated 10 million plus illegal immigrants is unrealistic

The current penalties are as follows:

There are civil and criminal penalties for hiring illegal aliens. Sec. 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and 8 U.S.C. 1324a, makes it unlawful for any person knowingly to hire, recruit or refer for a fee any alien not authorized to work. An employer that violates these laws can face penalties of:

· $250 to $2,000 fine for each unauthorized individual;

· $2,000 to $5,000 for each employee if the employer has previously been in violation; or

· $3,000 to $10,000 for each individual if the employer was subject to more than one cease and desist order.

The employer could also be fined $100 to $1,000 for each individual “paperwork” violation.

The criminal penalties for a pattern and practice violation can be up to $3,000 for each unauthorized alien, imprisonment up to six months, or both.

A recent study found this:

A new study by Rajeev Goyle and David A. Jaeger for the Center for American Progress in Washington calculates the cost of mass deportation to be at least $206 billion over five years. The annual cost of $41 billion would exceed the entire budget of the Department of Homeland Security ($34.2 billion) and would be more than double the annual spending on border and transportation security ($19.3 billion).

The only way to stem the tide of illegal immigration is to make the penalties to employers so repugnant that they will go to great lengths to make sure they are hiring properly documented workers. If there are no jobs available for illegal immigrants than they won’t have a reason to cross the border.

I suggest we stop the focus on the immigrant and place it on the employers that hire them. Here are some penalty suggestions to stem the tide of illegal immigration:

$5,000 and 6 months mandatory jail time on the first conviction. ( Business principal or CEO would serve the time )

$10,000 and 3 years mandatory prison time and forfeiture of business property and equipment on the second conviction. ( Business principal or CEO would serve the time )

$250,000 and 15 years mandatory prison time and forfeiture of business property and equipment on the third conviction. ( Business principal or CEO would serve the time )

This would also have the added benefit of creating jobs for US Citizens and increasing tax revenue and lowering the deficit. The problem is, you won’t see a conservative touting a measure that would actually stem the tide of illegal workers. It would cut into the profits of the companies and corporations that support them. They would rather just hurl hate and lies and make you fear a minority rather than solve the problem they rail against.

Christian Science Monitor
Penalties for employing undocumented workers

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Replace “Wrong Way” Joe Wilson with War Veteran and Marine Officer Rob Miller

Poll: Joe Wilson trailing Democratic rival


A newly-released poll shows Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C) has seriously endangered his re-election prospects by shouting out “you lie!” during President Obama’s speech to Congress this week.

The poll, commissioned by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, shows that Wilson trails his Democratic opponent Rob Miller, 44 to 43 percent. A sizable 62 percent majority of voters said they disapproved of Wilson’s actions, with only 29 percent approving.

The electorate was closely split on whether President Obama was telling the truth when he said his health care plan would not cover illegal immigrants – 46 percent said he was telling the truth, while 42 percent said they thought the president was lying.

“In a matter of seconds Joe Wilson turned himself from a safe incumbent into one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the country for 2010,” PPP pollster Dean Debnam wrote.

It’s a bit premature to be writing Wilson’s political obituary yet. The congressman won the district with 54 percent of the vote last year, a number depressed by the record level of African-American turnout in a presidential election. And it would be useful to see additional polling in the district before drawing any firm conclusions.

But one thing’s for sure, Miller has raised close to $800,000 since Wilson’s outburst and he’ll have plenty of cash to spend against him during crunch time. That fact alone makes it likely the race will be competitive, and guarantees we’ll be hearing more about Joe Wilson in the months to come.
Link to the Original Politico Story

Link to Donate to Combat Veteran and Marine Corps Officer Rob Millers Campaign and Defeat Joe Wilson

Link to The Official Rob Miller for Congress Website

Link to Write an E-Mail to “Wrong Way” Joe Wilson and Let Him Know How You Feel

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Republicans Lose ANOTHER House Seat : The Republitards Just Don’t Get It

The Republicans lost another house seat by a narrow margin. New York’s 20th District goes to a Democrat after a special election for a vacated seat. 4 years ago this was a Republican stronghold. This is just another sign that the Republican Party is out of touch with mainstream Americans. While the Democrats have been offering solutions, the Republicans have been offering nothing but divisive and hateful commentary. They’re staunch support of corporations and jobs being sent overseas does not ring well with everyday America. With the gap between rich and poor widening, the Republicans are clearly out of step with the working family. They oppose every plan that might help the downtrodden and support every corporate welfare plan that comes down the pike. When you have leaders like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Rielly you get what you pay for. You make your bed, you sleep in it.

Link To The Original Story


Filed under Bill O'Rielly, Fox News, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, Republican, Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, Sara Palin, Talk Radio

Citizen Wells, Philip Berg and the Scam Behind President Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate

Whenever you have an election there are some sore sports or poor losers that will make false acusations against the candidate they didn’t want to win. This has disintigrated into the rediculous with Citizen Wells and Philip J. Berg Esq. Philip Berg has filed spurious claims in the court system claiming that president Obama is not qualified to be the President of the United States. Citizen Wells has been there with him all along the way helping him raise money. Now that these claims have worked all the way through the court system and have been thrown out all the way to the US Supreme Court. The problem I see is that Citizen Wells and Philip J. Berg are still asking for people’s money on their websites to support this spurrios legal claim that has already been through the court system . Where is this money going and how is it all being spent ? Its time for some answers.

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Representative Sue Myrick Supports the Rich as Usual.

Representative Sue Myrick (R) North Carolina supported Rush Limbaugh’s war against the poor and the middle class when she voted against President Obama’s Recovery Package. Like Limbaugh, Sue Myrick doesn’t seem to care about people that are not as fortunate as her. Sue Myrick wants more tax cuts for the rich and corporations so they can invest in sending more of our jobs overseas. Ms. Myrick has turned her back on the hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers of our state to support her rich freinds. We need to do everything possible to make sure Sue Myrick is not re-elected to public office because she doesn’t support the people, she only supports the wealthy. Myricks  plan from her own press release doesn’t do anything for people who are unemployed and in trouble, only offers more money to the same people that put our people out of work and sent our jobs overseas.

Myrick supports an alternative plan that will:

Some of the reasons why Myrick does NOT support the proposed stimulus package being voted on in Congress:

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Rush Limbaugh v. Everyone Else

It must suck to be Rush Limbaugh. It seems like the sad little man has painted himself into a corner. I listened to him say today that there are no conservatives in elected office anymore. That means to me that in Rush Limbaugh’s mind that every Republican voter is an idiot. This is coming from the genius that told all the Republicans to change parties and vote for Hillary because she would be easier to beat that President Obama in the general election. His latest stroke of genius is to state to all of his listeners that he hopes that everything that President Obama does fails. This shows you tha true nature of Rush Limbaugh. He failed miserably during the 2008 election and proved that the conservative movement has changed and that some common sense has prevailed. Now Rush, the spoiled little rich boy is going to take his ball and go home. He is just out to reek havock on the coutry and try to divide people as much as possible. Rush has soiled his repuation and probably destroyed any credibility he once had among the real conservative base. Now all he has left are conspiracy theorists,  militia types and hatemongers. One sad little man doesn’t stand a chance against the American people. When you attack your own political party and are already hated by everyone else your days are numbered. Bye Rush.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, John Mccain, John Mccain's Divorce, Republican, Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh : De facto Leader of the Conservative Movement

I recently did some research on Rush Limbaugh, the De facto leader of the conservative movement. De Facto means something not necessarily endorsed by the law but something that is considered to be the norm in everyday use. There seems to be a leadership vacuum in the Republican Party since the conservatives were trounched in the 2008 elections. When President Obama said “Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if you want to get things done” and didn’t refer to our elected republican leadership I would say that makes Rush Limbaugh the De Facto leader. So who is this Rush Limbaugh, the leader of the conservative movement and arch enemy of the majority of Americans that had the nerve to go out and vote for a candidate not endorsed by the great Maha Rushie as he so lovingly calls himself on his show ? Well of you take even a brief look at Rush Limbaugh you will find that the emperor has no clothes. Rush is just another hypocrite paid a bunch of money to sell commercials on a nationally syndicated radio show. On his show, Rush Limbaugh says he represents conservationism, unfortunately when you look at the life Rush Limbaugh lives, you may see anther story.

Rush Limbaugh the patriot ? When Americans were fighting a dying in Vietnam, Rush took a deferment to go to college. When he flunked out of college he got classified as medically unfit to serve either from a knee injury or a boil on his ass depending where you find the information. Either way, when he could have served the country, he sure didn’t volunteer and actually used the system NOT to serve his country.

Rush Limbaugh, the pillar of family values ? Rush Limbaugh has no children and has been married and divorced 3 times. “Limbaugh was first married on September 24, 1977 to Roxy Maxine McNeely, a sales secretary at radio station WHB in Kansas City, Mo. They were married at the Centenary United Methodist Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. In March 1980, McNeely filed for divorce, citing “incompatibility.” They were formally divorced on July 10, 1980.In 1983, Limbaugh married Michelle Sixta, a college student and usherette at the Kansas City Royals Stadium Club. They were divorced in 1990, and she remarried the following year.On May 27, 1994, Limbaugh married Marta Fitzgerald, a 35-year-old aerobics instructor. They were separated on June 11, 2004. Limbaugh announced on the air, “Marta has consented to my request for a divorce, and we have mutually agreed to seek an amicable separation.” The divorce was finalized in December 2004.”

Rush Limbaugh on Law and Order ? Well Rush has had a couple of legal Problems due to illegal drug use.  “On October 3, 2003 the National Enquirer reported that Limbaugh was being investigated for illegally obtaining the prescription drugs qxycodone and hydrocodone. On April 28, 2006, Limbaugh and his attorney, Roy Black, went to the Palm Beach County Jail to surrender after a warrant was issued for his arrest on the charge of  doctor shopping. According to Teri Barbera, spokeswoman for the Sheriff, during his arrest, Limbaugh was booked, photographed, and fingerprinted, but not handcuffed. He was then released after about an hour on $3,000 bail. After his surrender, he filed a “not guilty” plea to the charge. Prosecutors agreed to drop the charge if Limbaugh paid $30,000 to defray the cost of the investigation. In June 2006, Limbaugh was detained by drug enforcement agents at Palm Beach Airport shortly after cutting the deal on the painkiller charges in April. Customs officials confiscated Viagra from Limbaugh’s luggage as he was returning from the Dominican Republic. The prescription was not in Limbaugh’s name. After he was released with no charges filed,”

Rush Limbaugh the political guru ? During the 2008 election, Rush Limbaugh urged his supporters to crossover, change political parties and vote for Hillary Clinton because Obama would be harder to beat in the general election. This only reenforced that its not about conservatism, its about manipulating the political system and cheating in Rush Limbaugh’s mind. Of course John McCain lost handily. As you know, President Obama prevailed and life goes on. Rush still has his show and the conservative movement is basically dead.  Could it be time for the conservatives to find a new leader ?


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Tara Servatius and WBT Hate Radio Have NO Place in Charlotte North Carolina

There isn’t much of an target audience over at WBT-1110 if you look at the different groups of people they spew hate against. Today WBT’s newest Hate Radio Host Tara Servatius was railing against health benefits for Gay and Lesbian Couples employed by our local government. It seems Tara Servatius is promoting the redneck philosophy that straight people are better than gay people and therefore its okay to discriminate against them. I’m sure the other Hate Radio Host Keith Larson will be upset that Tara stole his thunder today. There is hardly a day that goes by that Keith Larson isn’t hateful towards the gay community. Whats even worse is there are people that actually pay Tara and Kieth to spread this kind of anti American trash. I no longer consider WBT a radio station, lets just call it what it is, a daily KKK rally.
Perhaps WBT has forgotten that 61.83% of the people in Mecklenburg County Voted for Barack Obama and 61.59% of the people voted for Kay Hagan. Perhaps when the people at WBT are being hateful towards immigrants, democrats, gay people and Muslims they may want to consider how small their audience is actually getting. It is more than obvious where WBT is heading and I won’t miss it when they are out of business. Charlotte deserves much better and somebody will fill the void with decent programming.

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Philip J. Berg The Lawyer: His Conspiracy Theories About Obama, Bush, The 911 Attack, And His Website Asking for Money to Support Him

Philip Berg the Lawyer has filed claims in our court system that President Obama is not qualified to be our President. Mr. Bergs claims have been thrown out of court one by one. This doesn’t seem to bother Mr. Berg. Philip Berg is still asking for money from people to support his spurious claims. I find it alarming that Mr. Berg is able to file lawsuits that contain no evidence other than hearsay. It seems like a blatant attempt to make more claims and attempt to collect more money. It seems to me that Mr. Berg is taking advantage of our legal system by filing useless lawsuits and wasting the taxpayers time and money to answer these ridiculous lawsuits. Also alarming is that I couldn’t find any documents on Mr. Berg’s website Obamacrimes.com showing when and why his cases were thrown out. Here is an important one I found myself at the US Supreme Court Website.

No. 08-570
Philip J. Berg, Petitioner
Barack Obama, et al.
Docketed: October 31, 2008
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Case Nos.: (08-4340)
Rule 11
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oct 30 2008 Petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment filed. (Response due December 1, 2008)
Oct 31 2008 Application (08A391) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Nov 3 2008 Supplemental brief of applicant Philip J. Berg filed.
Nov 3 2008 Application (08A391) denied by Justice Souter.
Nov 18 2008 Waiver of right of respondents Federal Election Commission, et al. to respond filed.
Dec 1 2008 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Bill Anderson.
Dec 8 2008 Application (08A505) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Dec 9 2008 Application (08A505) denied by Justice Souter.
Dec 15 2008 Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 17 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 9, 2009.
Dec 17 2008 Application (08A505) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 18 2008 Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Scalia.
Dec 23 2008 Application (08A505) referred to the Court.
Dec 23 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 16, 2009.
Jan 12 2009 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Bill Anderson GRANTED.
Jan 12 2009 Petition DENIED.
Jan 21 2009 Application (08A505) denied by the Court.

Philip Berg the Lawyer seems to have a history of making strange claims.  In 2007 Philip Berg filed a RICO suit against President Bush and Dick Cheney claiming they were the architects of the 911 attack on the World Trade Center and asked that they both be arrested and tried for global crimes and punished accordingly. He also claimed that the 911 attacks were a plan for global dominance and even claimed President Bush’s brother Jeb was involved according to thus story posted on RINF.COM.


When you look into Philip Berg’s past there are things that make you pause for a moment. I found a story about Berg being slapped with $10,000 in sanctions and ordered to complete 6 hours of ethics training. A couple quotes from the 10 page finding against Attorney Berg Jump right out at you when you look at some of the cases Mr. Berg has filed.  US District Judge J. Curtis Joyner had these things to say according to the story posted on Law.com:

“Other attorneys should look to Mr. Berg’s actions as a blueprint for what not to do when attempting to effectively and honorably perform the duties of the legal profession,”

Joyner blasted Berg for filing the fraud claim, calling it an “irresponsible decision” because the claim was “utterly barren of any scintilla of legal principles.”

Berg had no standing to bring suit against Carpenters Health and had “failed to conduct even a minimally reasonable inquiry before filing his complaint.”

“filing a complaint completely devoid of any basis in fact or law, as would be apparent to any reasonable attorney after the slightest inquiry.”




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Some Court Documents You May Have Trouble Finding On Anti Barack Obama Attorney, 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist, Bush Rico and Proponent of Disbarring Members of the Supreme Court Philip J Berg’s Website

Document 1
No. 08-570
Philip J. Berg, Petitioner
Barack Obama, et al.
Docketed: October 31, 2008
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Case Nos.: (08-4340)
Rule 11

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oct 30 2008 Petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment filed. (Response due December 1, 2008)
Oct 31 2008 Application (08A391) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Nov 3 2008 Supplemental brief of applicant Philip J. Berg filed.
Nov 3 2008 Application (08A391) denied by Justice Souter.
Nov 18 2008 Waiver of right of respondents Federal Election Commission, et al. to respond filed.
Dec 1 2008 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by respondent Bill Anderson.
Dec 8 2008 Application (08A505) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Dec 9 2008 Application (08A505) DENIED by Justice Souter.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Philip J. Berg 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 (610) 825-3134
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Party name: Philip J. Berg
Attorneys for Respondents:
Gregory G. Garre Solicitor General (202) 514-2217
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Party name: Federal Election Commission, et al.

Lawrence J. Joyce Lawrence J. Joyce LLC (520) 584-0236
1517 N. Wilmot Rd., #215
Tucson, AZ 85712
Party name: Bill Anderson
Document 2
No. 08A391
Philip J. Berg, Applicant
Barack Obama, et al.
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Case Nos.: (08-4340)

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oct 31 2008 Application (08A391) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Nov 3 2008 Supplemental brief of applicant Philip J. Berg filed.
Nov 3 2008 Application (08A391) DENIED by Justice Souter.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Philip J. Berg 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 (610) 825-3134
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Party name: Philip J. Berg
Attorneys for Respondents:
Gregory G. Garre Solicitor General (202) 514-2217
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Party name: Federal Election Commission, et al.
Document 3
No. 08A505
Philip J. Berg, Applicant
Barack Obama, et al.
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Case Nos.: (08-4340)

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 8 2008 Application (08A505) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Dec 9 2008 Application (08A505) DENIED by Justice Souter.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Philip J. Berg 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 (610) 825-3134
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Party name: Philip J. Berg
Attorneys for Respondents:
Gregory G. Garre Solicitor General (202) 514-2217
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Party name: Federal Election Commission, et al.

Lawrence J. Joyce Lawrence J. Joyce LLC (520) 584-0236
1517 N. Wilmot Rd., #215
Tucson, AZ 85712
Party name: Bill Anderson
Link to US Supreme Court

Document 4
Obama Campaigns answer when he tried to shut down the November 4th election


Filed under Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, Philip J. Berg, Talk Radio, WBT