Category Archives: Tara Servatius

Tara Servatius Linked to Terrorist White Supremacist Group : League of the South

Here is a picture of WBT-1110 hate radio personality Tara Servatius attending a League of the South meeting. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are 29 hate groups in North Carolina. 4 of these are League of the South groups located in Charlotte, Durham, Wilmington and Burlington.

The League of the South is a White Supremacist Organization that advocates the destruction of the United States of America and the US Constitution.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center “The League of the South is a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans.” The league believes the “godly” nation it wants to form should be run by an “Anglo-Celtic” (read: white) elite that would establish a Christian theocratic state and politically dominate blacks and other minorities.”

What are some of the League of the South’s beliefs according to the SPLC ?

As a general matter, they don’t think the Civil War was fought over slavery — it was really about tariffs, or imposing a newly powerful federal government on the South, or spreading the industrialsystem of the North. They say that the South was “invaded,” even if Southerners fired the first shots at Fort Sumter, S.C.

Most don’t think slavery was all that bad, and some believe that segregation was a perfectly fine policy meant to protect the integrity of both races, black and white alike.

They think that Lincoln was an evil man, bent on destroying the South and willing to use any excuse to do so. They typically see the North as godless, and determined to wreck the Southerner’s natural religiosity. They believe the core population of the South and the bearer of its culture is “Anglo-Celtic,” meaning white. Many support theocracy, oppose interracial marriage and reject the notion of equality.

I have listened to Tara Servatius on a daily basis for some time. The hate she spews towards the United States of America is well known. And barely a day goes by that she isn’t trying to drive a wedge between the white and black community. And if she can make fun of a gay person along the way then her day has been fulfilled. Its all in a days work for WBT-1110’s latest Hate Radio jock.

Tara Sevatius does not represent our community. She represents a very narrow and hateful view of America. Its time for her to find a new occupation.

Official League Of The South Website

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Filed under constitution party, domestic terror, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, Talk Radio, Tara Servatius, Terrorism

WBT-1110 and Tara Servatius Spreading More Hate and Lies About the Muslim Community

Today, I listened to Tara go on and on about the Mosque “AT” ground Zero. But as usual she wasn’t telling truth. There is NO Mosque at Ground Zero. And if you read below you will find out the truth about what many sick people have been trying to perpetrate against the American people. I don’t think it serves in the best interest of the community to allow someone with Tara’s extremist views to represent Charlotte. She has an agenda of hate against the poor, black people, gay people, immigrants and Muslims. Tara calls herself a journalist but often blatantly lies to promote her brand of hate. Tara’s so-called Mosque is a community center and it is NOT at the Ground Zero site as she would have you believe. Sadly enough I have made staff at WBT-1110 aware of this and they don’t seem to care. Tara Servatius and WBT-1110 are guilty of inciting hatred against people they don’t even know. Below is the truth about the location of what she calls the Mosque “AT” Ground Zero.

From the Huffington Post:

From 45 Park Place, the former Burlington Coat Factory building that will make way for the Cordoba House, it’s two blocks, around a corner, to get to the WTC site. Park Place doesn’t lie between the construction site and any mass transit stations, so you would need to go out of your way to have it offend you.

If you look up the walking directions you’ll notice that it takes a couple of minutes to walk the distance (approximately a tenth of a mile) between the two spots. Pretty much two minutes exactly when I took the trip with a shaky video camera.

When the new World Trade Center rises, you’ll be able to see it from 45 Park Place, because it’ll be by far the tallest thing around. The planned Cordoba House will be dwarfed. It certainly won’t overlook or overshadow Ground Zero.

Why is the distance between the two sites so important? Simple accuracy, for one. It’s frustrating to see so many commentators blithely disregard an obvious, physical problem with the “mosque at Ground Zero” formulation: it’s not at Ground Zero.

Clyde Haberman of the New York Times further explains the significance:

There’s that “at.” For a two-letter word, it packs quite a wallop. It has been tossed around in a manner both cavalier and disingenuous, with an intention by some to inflame passions. Nobody, regardless of political leanings, would tolerate a mosque at ground zero. “Near” is not the same, as anyone who paid attention back in the fourth grade should know.

I understand the journalist’s impulse to use the “Ground Zero Mosque” shorthand to instantly remind readers why they should care about the story. Headlines leave out qualifiers like “near” all the time for brevity’s sake. But in this case the elision is critical; leaving out the “near” clearly takes sides — against the “mosque” and against accuracy.

In addition, the building planned for 45 Park Place is a cultural center with a prayer room — not a single-purpose house of worship for Muslims, which is probably what we should reserve the word “mosque” for. As Haberman also explains, “That it may even be called a mosque is debatable. It is designed as a multi-use complex with a space set aside for prayer — no minarets, no muezzin calls to prayer blaring onto Park Place.”

The 92nd Street Y, on which the Cordoba House is explicitly modeled, has a whole host of Jewish events take place inside of it, but no one calls it a synagogue. There’s no good reason why Cordoba House should be misleadingly called a “mosque.” I’ve been guilty of using this word too, in conversation and in writing, but it’s inaccurate. Muslims already read the Quran and pray at 45 Park Place, but that does not and will not turn it into a “mosque.”

There’s one more catch for the opponents of the so-called Ground Zero mosque: by the same logical leap you can call the Cordoba Center a “mosque,” you can also call Ground Zero as it already exists a giant, open-air mosque. Muslim prayers are already taking place right on the edge of the construction site, and not for world domination. Families are going there to pray — for the souls of the dozens of innocent Muslim victims who died on September 11.

The Original Huffington Post Article

A White Supremacist Hate Group that Tara Servatius has been linked too.

Tara Servatius Hating Gay People For Kicks and Ratings at WBT-1110


Filed under Barack Obama, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, Republican, Republican Party, Talk Radio, Tara Servatius, WBT, WBT-1110

Tara Servatius : Hating gay people for kicks and ratings on WBT-1110 radio ?

From Webster’s dictionary:

Bigot : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred      and   intolerance

Hate : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury  : extreme dislike or antipathy

It’s hard to believe that in the year 2010 there are still people and business’s that still make their money spreading hate and fear. I guess my mistake is that I live in Charlotte, NC and some people still  think it is the 1950’s and 1960’s. Tara Servatius is an afternoon talk show host on WBT-1110 AM. It seems that almost every day she goes out of her way to spread hate, fear of lies about one group or  another.

The reason I am writing today is how alarming I find that people like Tara Servatius are actually hired. Tara’s latest bad habit is the disparaging remarks she has been making about gay  people,  namely gay men. The other day she equated that gay men are not  “real” men and ride around on bicycles in tight shorts and that bicycling in general is a gay sport. Remarks like these are purely  stereotypes. Stereotypes have been used to degrade  and separate all types of minority groups throughout history.

I tried to contact Tara Servatius on the air and asked her why she thought it was  appropriate to discriminate against gay people on several occasions. I was also told by a producer that I could e-mail  her and ask her. I sent her several e-mails, very short and too the point. They said ” Tara, why does it matter to you if someone is gay or not ? ” I sent this e-mail sevaral times and have yet to receive a  response. This is coming from a person that has demanded that the governor come on her show and answer questions.

Spreading hate and perpetuating negativity about your fellow human beings is no way to make a living and its now way to make money. I hope in the future WBT-1110 either wises up or is demolished by a competitor with a more ethical plan to bring news to Charlotte. And as far a Tara Servatius goes, all we can do is hope she will change or find a new profession.

Tara Servatius Linked to White Supremacist Terror Group : League of the South


Filed under christian, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, NC, North Carolina, Republican, Republican Party, Talk Radio, Tara Servatius, Uncategorized, WBT, WBT-1110

Tara Servatius Takes Hate To A New Level At WBT-1110 Radio

Once again Tara Servatius and WBT-1110 Hate Radio have reached a new low. Tara Servatius and the Klan over at WBT are trying to claim that the reason the Republicans lost the mayors race and now lag behind on the city council 8 to 3 is because black people are racists. It couldn’t simply be because the Democrats were much more organized and that the Republicans didn’t turn out. During her shows on Wednesday and Thursday she used the words black and white approximately 50 times. She had the audacity to try and say that ALL of the Black Voters in Charlotte are racists because they didn’t vote for a White Republican. Tara went to a private school and went to an expensive college and got an expensive journalism degree but obviously she didn’t learn much. Maybe its time she get an education about what happens when you spread hate and lies about people you know little about. She is a sad individual and doesn’t represent our fine city. I have been listening to WBT for over 12 years and have never heard a more repulsive racist rampage as I heard in the past 2 days. It is time to rethink a strategy against this type of broadcasting and it is definitely time for WBT-1110 to go. WBT-1110 has worn out its welcome in Charlotte. It is time to move on and stamp out racism once and for all in Charlotte. It will take all of us working together, but it can be done.

Tara Servatius linked to Hate Group : League of the South

Tara Servatius Hating Gay People for Kicks and Ratings on WBT-1110

Tara Servatius Perpertrating Lies About the Mosque that isn’t being built at Ground Zero


Filed under christian, freedom, Hate, Hate Crimes, Hate Speech, Tara Servatius, Uncategorized, WBT