Category Archives: Alaska Indepenence Party

Sarah Palin on Abortion : She Is One

If you could ever pick a nightmare as a running mate for a politically conservative party Sarah Palin would certainly fit the bill. Just days after she wowed Republicans with her moose hunting prowess , pit bulls with lipstick, “golly gees” and “you betchas” there was the first “oh by the way….” .

The first “oh by the way” was that her 17 year old unwed, live-at-home daughter was knocked up. Now that could happen to any family, right ? Well you sure wouldn’t expect it from the holier that thou church goin, non sex educating Governor Palin family. Any what was even weirder was why they waited until after they announced her as McCain’s VP let the loyal masses know. I’m sure they were shocked to say the least. I think starting out with a deception always backfires and people start looking for more.

The next “oh by the way” was the she and her husband were involved in the Alaska Independence Party. This is a which who’s founder hated America to its core and who’s members wish to secede from the United States the same way the South seceded at the start of the Civil War. The claim that she or her husband were no longer involved with them is mute because she gave the address at their 2008 convention.

Probably the funniest “oh by the way” is that we now know why Sarah Palin had to go to 5 different colleges to get a bachelors degree. She is not the sharpest too in the shed. In fact she makes Dan Quayle look like Albert Einstein. Anyone that has ever seen Sarah Palin interviewed will soon find out that she find out that she probably doesn’t qualify as a person you would want as a leader of the free world. In fact she is probably more qualified to work at a convenient store.

The saddest “oh by the way” is her ability to bring out racism and hatred in the crowds of people she address’s. She has chosen the lowest common denominator when it comes to politics. She calls on peoples hate and fear. Its very sad and reminds me of the 1960’s and times I thought were over. I guess racism is still alive an well in the Republican Party.

The newest “oh by the way” is that she abused the power of her oficce as Governor of Alaska by trying to have her ex brother-in-law fired from his job as State Trooper after a nasty divorce form her sister. She ended up firing the police commissioner for not following her instructions to illegally fire him. How sad.

Are people like Sara Palin the best and the brightest that the Republicans have to offer ? Do they even care who the put in a job which I and a bunch of other people deem somewhat sacred ? John McCain has certain shown a great deal of bad judgment by using Sara Palin as a running mate. how could someone like Sarah Palin ever bring America together after some of the terrible things she has said ? So yes I would say that most people and probably John Mccain would agree at this point that Sara Palin’s stance on abortion is that she is one as far as being a VP candidate is concerned.


Filed under Abortion, Alaska Indepenence Party, Election 2008, Sara Palin

Sarah Palin’s Terrorist Ties

If Sarah and Todd Palin are no longer involved with the Alaskan Independence Party then why did Sarah Palin do the opening Statement for their 2008 Convention this year ? The Alaskan Independence Party Founder Joe Vogler is quoted as stating “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.” and “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. “One of their goals is to become a separate nation. Their hate for the United States of America is well known. Todd Palin was a “registered” member of the Alaska Independence Party until 2002. This video shows the Palin family still has close ties to this terrorist organization.


Filed under Alaska Indepenence Party, domestic terror, Sara Palin, Terrorism, Uncategorized, war on terror